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We are thrilled to announce that Cloudalize has been recognized as the best Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) provider in SoftwareReview’s Emotional Footprint Awards. These awards evaluate and rank products based on emotional response ratings from customers, providing a powerful indicator of overall user satisfaction.

We have achieved outstanding scores in Softwarereview’s Emotional Footprint Awards, showcasing our commitment to providing exceptional services to our customers.
Our “Net Emotional Footprint” score of (+94) reflects the overwhelmingly positive emotional response from our clients, indicating their high level of satisfaction with our offerings.

Furthermore, our “Likeliness to Recommend” a rating of (+92) demonstrates the strong advocacy of our customers, indicating that they are highly likely to recommend Cloudalize to others.
Additionally, the perfect 100% “Plan to Renew” score highlights the loyalty and intent of our clients to continue using our solutions in the future, attesting to their trust and satisfaction with our services.

Our customers have also expressed high satisfaction with the value they receive from Cloudalize, as reflected in the satisfaction score (+86%) for “Cost relative to value”. This underscores our commitment to providing cost-effective solutions that deliver tangible value and return on investment.

Learn more about the Emotional Footprint Awards:

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