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Cloudalize's GPU-powered cloud has the power to power the world around us now and into the future.

Lay a solid foundation for a modern enterprise with Cloudalize’s GPU-powered technology

Cloudalize’s Technology

Cloudalize was founded on the idea to bring graphical processing unit (GPU) technology to the masses by making it affordable for accessible businesses in the 21st century.

For the Cloudalize team, cloud computing and GPUs are part of our DNA. Our cutting-edge technology is built on a highly sophisticated custom-built architecture. Using Cloudalize’s platform will turbocharge your organisation’s operations and process.

However, what does this mean for you? Extend your knowledge of cloud computing by browsing this section to understand Cloudalize’s architecture, Cloud Handbook of terminology and get to know our Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder, Jeffrey Meesemaecker.

Cloudalize's cutting-edge cloud technology delivers more speed and greater processing power thanks to the latest graphical-processing units (GPUs).

What is a GPU?

The backbone of Cloudalize’s platform are graphical-processing units (GPU). GPUs are the future of modern computing and deliver greater processing power and graphical performance than the more well-known central-processing unit (CPU) and allow Cloudalize to deliver unbeatable performance for businesses and educational institutions.

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Cloudalize Architecture

The Cloud Handbook

The team at Cloudalize range from full-stack developers, marketers, account managers to cloud support engineers. For us, cloud terminology is as easy as A, B, C but do you know what a gpu is? Do you understand what is the difference between a virtual desktop and a Cloud Workstation (DaaS).

For the average urban planner, surveying engineer and mathematics professor, it is like speaking swahili or klingon. That’s why the Cloudalize team created this section. We want to humanise cloud technology so everyone understands what it can do, how it does it and what added value it brings to your business.

Read our Cloud Hand Book
Cloudalize's Cloud Handbook explains all you need to know about cloud-computing and Cloudalize's proprietary cutting-edge GPU-powered cloud technology.

Cloudalize where you work

Cloudalize’s unique cutting-edge technology is helping people in many different economic sectors. Whether it is faster video rendering, enabling BIM, specialised distance-learning courses, Cloudalize’s GPU power can do it all and more with greater speed and performance.


GPU power allows architects to build a digital, agile and sustainable practice. 

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Cloudalize facilitates agile working, AI and real-time collaboration for engineers.

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Cloudalize modernises your construction firm with the latest tools and workflows.

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Design and create masterpieces on Cloudalize

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Bring businesses, citizens and administration together with Cloudalize.

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Give your students the best start with Cloudalize’s technology.

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Curious to know how Cloudalize could help your students or business?

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